Risk Warning

Before you enter foreign exchange and stock markets, you have to remember that trading currencies and other investment products is trading in nature and always involves a considerable risk. As a result of various financial fluctuations, you may not only significantly increase your capital, but also lose it completely.

Therefore, our clients have to assure ICB Crypto Services that they understand all the possible consequences of such risks, they know all the specifics, rules and regulations governing the use of investment products, including corporate events, resulting in the change of underlying assets. Client understands that there are special risks and features that affect prices, exchange rates and investment products.

These risks include decrease in liquidity, price change, high volatility and circumstances beyond control.

Before you open an account with us, make sure to study in detail the user agreement, as well as the basic principles and rules of the financial markets.

ICB Crypto Services is not liable for any damages that occurred as a result of government restrictions, regulations of foreign exchange or stock markets, military actions, suspension of trading and other circumstances beyond control.


Technical Risks

The Client accepts the risks of financial losses incurred because of failures of information, communication, electronic and other systems. The Client accepts the risks of financial losses, which can happen because of the malfunction of hardware and software facilities and poor communication at the Client’s side. The Client bears responsibility for their financial losses incurred because of ignorance of the instructions presented in the Client’s Terminal Instruction Manual.

Communication Risks

The Client accepts the risks associated with unauthorized access to the information they sent (by electronic mail or using instant message service) in case it was sent unencrypted. The Client accepts the risks of financial losses incurred in the result of delay or non-receipt by Client a message from the Company. Client bears sole responsibility for the safety of confidential information received from the Company and accepts the risks of financial losses incurred in the result of unauthorized access of the third parties to the trading account.

Force Majeure

The Company holds no responsibility for any activity of the third parties, which may influence the cooperation between the Company and the Client. The Client accepts the risks of financial losses incurred in a result of force majeure circumstances: hostility, terrorist acts, acts of God, trading halts at financial markets, a sharp decrease of liquidity caused by financial market instability, currency interventions, legislation changes, changes of other parties’ conditions, etc. The Company shall bear no responsibility before the Client for any actions, inactions or omissions of a third party and also for any losses incurred by the Client in a result of actions, inactions or omissions of a third party unless such losses directly arise from the Company’s willful default or fraud or gross negligence. The Company shall also bear no responsibility or liability for unfavorable consequences for the Client due to the insolvency/bankruptcy of a third party.

Cryptography, Currency, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Block, Bitcoin, Altcoin, Satoshi, Stake, crypto, proof of work, proof of stake, Pow, Pos, Binance, Smart Chain, DeFi, Liquidity mining, earns token rewards, liquidity pools, skyrocketing COMP, smart contract, mining, DappRadar, Monitor & manage liquidity risk, Cryptography, ATH, Mooning, Shilling, BTFD, Flippening, JOMO, Scamcoin, Shitcoin, Whales, Bearwhale, This Is Gentlemen, Lambo, Weak Hands, Addy, Choyna, Dildo (not what you think), Rekt

Stake your tokens with ICB Crypto Services to squeeze them for more Return. IcBroker is a liquid staking platform where users can earn multiple streams of cashflow.

Cryptography, Currency, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Block, Bitcoin, Altcoin, Satoshi, Stake, crypto, proof of work, proof of stake, Pow, Pos, Binance, Smart Chain, DeFi, Liquidity mining, earns token rewards, liquidity pools, skyrocketing COMP, smart contract, mining, DappRadar, Monitor & manage liquidity risk, Cryptography,

Stake your tokens with ICB Crypto Services to squeeze them for more Return. IcBroker is a liquid staking platform where users can earn multiple streams of cashflow.

Currency, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Block, Bitcoin, Altcoin, Satoshi, Market Capitalization, Distributed Ledger, Mining, Hashing, Fork, Soft Fork, Hard Fork, Address, Private Key, Public Key, Exchange, Wallet, Paper Wallet, Hardware Wallet, Software Wallet, Fungible, HODL, Block, Blockchain, Sidechain, Centralized, Decentralized

Some blockchain protocols allow participants to earn additional cryptocurrency by contributing to the network. These rewards can be earned in many different ways including staking, inflation, savings rates, etc

Currency, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Block, Bitcoin, Altcoin, Satoshi, Market Capitalization, Distributed Ledger, Mining, Hashing, Fork, Soft Fork, Hard Fork, Address, Private Key, Public Key, Exchange, Wallet, Paper Wallet, Hardware Wallet, Software Wallet, Fungible, HODL, Block, Blockchain, Sidechain, Centralized, Decentralized

Some blockchain protocols allow participants to earn additional cryptocurrency by contributing to the network. These rewards can be earned in many different ways including staking, inflation, savings rates, etc

Some blockchain protocols allow participants to earn additional cryptocurrency by contributing to the network. These rewards can be earned in many different ways including staking, inflation, savings rates, etc

Distributed, Distributed Ledger, Sharding, Peer to Peer, Fork, Hardfork, Softfork, Software Fork, Orphan, Node, Full Node, Input, Output, Permissionless, Trustless, HODL, FUD, FOMO, DYOR

we are proud to be one of the best digital asset lending company to complete a Proof-of-Reserves attestation by a top-25 public accounting firm,UK. Icbroker clients can anonymously verify that their assets are included in the periodic reports.

Distributed, Distributed Ledger, Sharding, Peer to Peer, Fork, Hardfork, Softfork, Software Fork, Orphan, Node, Full Node, Input, Output, Permissionless, Trustless, HODL, FUD, FOMO, DYOR

we are proud to be one of the best digital asset lending company to complete a Proof-of-Reserves attestation by a top-25 public accounting firm,UK. Icbroker clients can anonymously verify that their assets are included in the periodic reports.

Distributed, Distributed Ledger, Sharding, Peer to Peer, Fork, Hardfork, Softfork, Software Fork, Orphan, Node, Full Node, Input, Output, Permissionless, Trustless, HODL, FUD, FOMO, DYOR

we are proud to be one of the best digital asset lending company to complete a Proof-of-Reserves attestation by a top-25 public accounting firm,UK. Icbroker clients can anonymously verify that their assets are included in the periodic reports.
Stake your tokens with ICB Crypto Services to squeeze them for more Return. IcBroker is a liquid staking platform where users can earn multiple streams of cashflow.
Investment, Investing, Crypto Invest, Crypto Investing
Stake your tokens with ICB Crypto Services to squeeze them for more Return. IcBroker is a liquid staking platform where users can earn multiple streams of cashflow. Some blockchain protocols allow participants to earn additional cryptocurrency by contributing to the network. These rewards can be earned in many different ways including staking, inflation, savings rates, etc we are proud to be one of the best digital asset lending company to complete a Proof-of-Reserves attestation by a top-25 public accounting firm,UK. Icbroker clients can anonymously verify that their assets are included in the periodic reports.

Cryptocurrency Investment, Crypto Investing, Investment

ATH, Mooning, Shilling, BTFD, Flippening, JOMO, Scamcoin, Shitcoin, Whales, Bearwhale, This Is Gentlemen, Lambo, Weak Hands, Addy, Choyna, Dildo (not what you think), Rekt